To register on Jobs Vibhaga, follow the below steps:
- First, open Jobs Vibhaga website. To open and access the website enter the URL: or search “Jobs Vibhaga” keyword on ‘Google’ website.
Screenshot: ‘Jobs Vibhaga’ on Google.
- Find ‘Sign Up’ on the top menu bar to the right side to open the webpage to register.
Screenshot: Jobs Vibhaga – Homepage – Highlighting ‘Sign Up’ link.
- After opening the ‘Register’ webpage, we can find the registration form with the following fields:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
- Password
Screenshot: Sign Up – webpage (Highlighting Register Form).
- The above all fields are mandatory, so to create an account enter your details and click on ‘Register’ button.
- After clicking on the ‘Register Button’ the current webpage immediately redirected to the ‘My Account’ webpage. Thus, now you are a registered user.
Screenshot: My Account – Web page.