3. How to view statistics of the job listings on Jobs Vibhaga?

This is a very unique feature which is only provided on Jobs Vibhaga job portal for employers. This helps employers with the exposure/promotion of their job listing which is provided, they can know the exact number of the views, contact button clicks, and applications through this ‘Statistics’ feature. This helps them to know about their job listings functionality and the response from the candidates.

A statistical curve graph chart is provided with multi colors, i.e. a pictorial representation of that particular statistics. We can also compare the graph chart between 2 or more job listings which you posted earlier,

We can also set the date range, where the date picker option is provided in the top right.

Screenshot: Statistics page highlighting single listing. [Sample/Example listings]

Screenshot: Statistics page highlighting the date picker option. [Sample/Example listings]

To view the statistics of a job posting which you published earlier, follow the below steps.

  • First, open the website and log in to it using your login credentials.
  • Next, move the mouse cursor on to your username which is on the top menu bar, immediately a submenu occurs and shows the submenu items, in that find ‘Statistics’ and click on it to open the page.
  • After opening the ‘Statistics Page’, you can find the default statistics of the job listings provided as shown in the screenshot.
  • Otherwise, open the My Job Listings page, on the job listings you can find the option ‘view Stats’, just click on that link, you will be automatically redirected to the Statistics page.

Screenshot: My Job Listings page highlighting ‘View Stats’ link. [Sample/Example listings]


Thus you can now access the statistics of the job listings which you posted earlier.

As you see, the statistics/analytics can be viewed in many dimensions using the available filters on the statistics page. Those filters are as follows:

  • Visits
  • Unique Visits
  • Contact Clicks
  • Contact Submissions

Where the ‘Visits’ filter is used to know only the number of user visits/views on that job listing, ‘Unique Visits’ are only the unique number of visits/views on that listings, nothing but number of users, and ‘Contact Clicks’ are those the number of clicks/hits by users on the job listing’s user button, whereas ‘Contact Submissions’ means, the number of contact form submissions by the users.

Screenshot: Statistics of multiple job listings. [Sample/Example listings]

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